Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Argggg....fooood...(shuffle shuffle) shuffle) toe)....

You know we are kind of like zombies really, instead of yelling, or more apt, groaning, "BRRAAAINNNNNSSSSS", we yell, "I'M HUNGRY!!!"

We all then march off to the supermarket, line up with our edible consumer products and proceed, robot like, through the line. Grab, scan, bag, grab, scan, bag, etc...Then once at home, out of the site of the general public, we tear into the food like we never saw it before. GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!

I mean, honestly, what really separates us from zombies, well besides the brain thing?

Zombies are just trying to live just like us, they just can't grow brains on trees...yet...Mooohoooohahahahahahahaha!!! (that must be said aloud in a menacing way).


Thankfully, I don't have to invade malls, raise from the grave or have half dogs as pets (name the movie reference and win nothing!) in order to feed myself my daily requirements of brains, um, food.

Even though I do the zombie food supermarket hop, I also, as you all know by now, well, the 3 of you that actually read this thing (and if I don't include family, well that goes down to -5), grow a small portion of my own.

And as one season winds down another starts, things are changing.

I wrapped up the last of the onions, which I realize I have to try and plant a little earlier next year. They were, for the most part; golf ball size. I have to try for mid September this year. And besides, they take forever to grow. 6 months if you are lucky!

However the garlic did very well. Of the 36 "wedges" I planted, I yielded 27 full bulbs. 4 were green garlic. That means they were stunted and never grew to full fruition. (one of my favorite words), and the remaining 5 were no shows. Just didn't grow. >shrugs<

Here is my yield.

garlic 2

They now have to hang for 3 weeks to "set". Right now they are really soft and won't do you much good. Can't wash them, can't peel them, nothing.

So in 3 weeks I'll post the results. Actually, I'll post my test garlic, that I pulled 2 weeks ago, next week.

Once it's ready, we press and freeze them.

Next up on the hit parade, the beets finally were ready. Here is the last pict of them in the ground.

last beet in ground

Hard to tell from this angle but the leaves are about a foot tall and the beet itself is crowning. It's best to pull them when they are about 1 1/2" to 2". Any bigger and they get tough to eat, like brains. Not that I would know anything about that...

Ah hmm. Okay.

Both the turnips and the beets have fast growing times, 45 days.

I didn't get a pic of the turnips in the ground but instead got a group shot.

onions turnips beets

The itty bitty onions are actually really sweet. This was the very first group we harvested. We've had a bunch since. We are fermenting the beets and turnips by making some Kimchi. It lasts a good long time, great for the digestion, very nutritious and spicy!

Up and coming is the zucchini's or as I like to call them; zooks.

Here they are still on the plant...

zook blossom

Still small, but we were still able to harvest on early one. I love the color of the flower.


I needed something to give scale, so I called on old George. I looks like sometime mid next week we should be getting about another six.  In about, 2 weeks we should be completely sick of them. LOL They just keep producing until you can't take it anymore, go postal or the cold weather comes in.

Our cucumbers, or as I like to call them; Kooks, are doing just fine and I'm hoping in about another month, we will be able to harvest some to make pickles.

kook flower

They are now just starting to vine up the little caged teepee I built for them.

For some reason, I have the worst luck with tomatoes, go figure. Well, at least this year, so far, we only had a few blossoms drop but most are hanging in there and we actually have one whole freaking tomato already. I know...throw the confetti...

tomato flowers

And finally our blackberry bushes...

Black berry blossoms

Pretty pretty flowers (I'm parapharsing Bill Dauterive of King of the Hill. Merle, you know what I'm talking about)

This photo is about a week and a half old. The bushes are now covered with early blackberries. I can't believe how many there are. I think we will be able to make a couple of jars of jam from just one bush. 

So that's really about it this time around. I just wanted to make a quick update before any more time passed. 

And on a side note. My potatoes bit the dust. They were doing well until some little #@%$#$%% cutter worm went to town on the leaves. Ugh! So, I start over. This time it will be sweet potatoes. 

Coming up for next month will be pumpkins (yes, I will be trying for the tri-fector this year: seeds, pumpkin pie and jack o'lantern), Summer squash, pole beans and string beans. 

So until then, stay lean, mean and green. 

Green is, most certainly, good! Cheers!

(I know, I know, you were all expecting a blog on the water totes, well hang on it's coming. we just need water to put in them. Oh yeah, that. Please send go rain vibes this way, we need it. I just hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come. I can't deal with yet another blazing surface of the sun summer again, but then again, that pesky climate change. sigh).


Sue said...

Beautiful beets! And blueberry flowers! Sorry about the tomatoes. You could stuff those gorgeous squash blossoms and saute them...

Meanwhile, I'll do a rain dance for you guys.

Kimber said...

I just have to get down there to sample some of those tasty looking veggies (maybe some jam too). You're kicking some major gardening butt!