This is my attempt at helping folks trying to go green. This will be for those people who haven't the foggiest idea where to start, how to start or even what being green means.
"Green" is a very over used term these days. It's applied to everything from coal to toilet paper.
To me, simply put, is decreasing ones carbon foot print on the earth. I mean, is that hard to understand? Meh, I guess some people believe so.
Anyway, this blog will follow me and my wife's trials and tribulations in "greening" our home and yard.
Granted, a major portion of this blog will be mostly about my yard and how we are on a mission to grow as much food as we can in our yard but at the same time to work with nature by having a place for butterflys, bees, birds and other critters to live.
That said, let the insanity begin!!
First up, a little background. My wife and I have just finished suffering through remodeling our home for the past 2 1/2 years. I did about 65% of the work and had contractors do the other 45%. We got contractors mostly to help preserve our sanity.
Now that the house is about 95% complete, I'm now shifting my attention to the backyard.
And here is my yard:

I'm still new at this and will work out the kinks as time goes by. Okay, after messing around with the photo, it appears as if (the place where I source my photos from) as a size limit. Sigh.
If you can read the teeny tiny itzy bitzy print, there are several arrows with numbers. This is basically the order by which I'm going to take on each and every project.
Briefly, 1) I will install rain-barrels 2) rebuild my Fred Flintstone composter 3) Build a new clothes line (instead of the last minute quickly I put up 2 years ago) 4) figure out something to do with the condensation line from my A/C unit 5) the most ambitious project of them all - relocate my shed and build a root cellar underneath it. That will be a massive undertaking. And our ongoing garden expansion.
We have gigantic plans for turning our entire yard into a food factory and we will do this by employing the squirrels as unskilled labor thus saving on overhead and our backs. We are currently working with the squirrel union boss. We hope to reach an agreement soon.
That aside. Water. Everyone needs it and so do plants. I could use our hose and pay for the water, but since I have a cheapskate tendency running through my veins, I choose to get the free stuff from the sky at least for the garden...for now.
My next post will show the step by step procedure for how I put together the rain barrel. It will include time, costs, stubbed thumbs and the general insanity that went into rain barrel construction.
Thanks and remember, Green is good!!!
Dear Green is Good...thanks for posting your progress. It will be fun to see the ups and downs of greening your life. What part of the world are you in? Do you green differently in other places?
Dear GIG: A very inspiring endeavor and a wonderful mission you two are on. Thanks for doing your part in helping to save the planet :)
On another note, why don't you have your squirrel call my squirrel and we can set up a meeting? L.A. needs a lot of help.
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